We specialise in all aspects of stone floor cleaning and restoration. Part of what we enjoy is takin...
Being passionate about stone floor restoration makes our job incredibly rewarding. Stone floors crea...
Polishing stone tiles is not possible for all types of stone flooring. One of the most well-known ti...
Granite worktop repair takes skill and expertise. The process is intricate and if not done correctly...
Granite worktop repair is generally not a process people wish to undertake on their own. That moment...
Restoring commercial stone floors demands an individual and tailored approach. Why is this? There ar...
Cleaning travertine tiles demands an in-depth understanding of how to deep clean natural stone. Natu...
You may often hear stone cleaning professionals discussing the importance of sealing stone. Stone fl...
Restoring damaged worktops is a real art. Even some of the most damaged granite worktops can be repa...
Repairing damaged worktops is so rewarding. Stone kitchen worktops are incredibly popular. They are...